
Jumat, 28 September 2012

Pilihan #PascaKampus

Brhubung byk temen2 yg br pada lulus n diwisuda,,kita share ttg yuk

Sesuai dgn pengamatan n cerita pengalaman org2 d sekitar saya,dunia beda bgt dgn dunia sekolah atau kampus yg pernah qt jalani

klo biasanya qta berinteraksi dg temen2 yg rata2 umurnya pada sebaya,,di dunia qta bakal berinteraksi dgn usia yg beranekaragam

dan yg pasti tanggungjawabnya jg berbeda krn oleh masyarakat qt dianggap udah mampu ngelakuin suatu hal (bkn br belajar) sesuai kapasitas qt

kenyatannya msh byk diantara qt yg kembali galau akan dibawa kemana kehidupannya setelah lulus/wisuda?

dr seluruh pengalaman org2 yg saya liat,,disini bakal ada 4 pilihan yg biasa dijalanin org2 . Smg bs jadi pencerahan bwt qt y :)

pilihan yg biasa dijalanin org2 : 1.kerja; 2.berwirausaha 3.sekolah lagi 4.menggenapkan separuh agamanya alias menikah :D

qta bahas satu2 yuk biar sxan direnungin mana pilihan yg paling pas buat qta..

Sabtu, 15 September 2012

High School Musical - Graduation Day

flash back sebentar ya..menjelang dan setelah wisuda,,lagu ini sering terngiang2 n berputar2 sendiri di pikiran saya..klo dicermati secara mendalam liriknya dalem juga..cek dulu yuk..:
Looking forward from center stage, graduation day,
time to get the future started
what we leave what we take with us
no matter what it’s something we’re apart of
we learn to fly together side by side
I just want the rest of my life
to feel as good as my

High School Musical
Who says we have to let it go?
it’s the best part we’ve ever known, step into the future
we’ll hold on to
high school musical, let’s celebrate where we come from
with friends who’ve been there all along, just like
our high school, high school musical

Improvisation without a script no ones written it
and now we have the chances too
someday we’ll be looking back
memories we’ve had all the songs that we live through
the best of times so why leave them behind
why can’t the rest of my live
be like my